
Friday, April 29, 2016

Play Ball

Sometimes things really go wrong. There is no way to prepare for the weird stuff that can forever change your life. Opening day of baseball is a perfect example. Coach decided to play Ray on opening day; a great honor for a rookie. He had butterflies, but settled down as retired he the first three batters.

As the second inning started the fans noticed a shimmering orb gently floating from the sky to the infield. Ray was on the mound and was winding up the pitch as the orb touched him. The crowd knew exactly what the orb was the second it touched Ray; a vortex. It was the strangest spectacle. First Ray was winding up for the pitch and when the ball left the mound it came from a girl’s hand.

At first the fans gasped until they saw the fastball girl-Ray had. Rae refused to step down and finished the game; a shutout. Rae went on to break records all season long. She was unstoppable. And you guessed it; she took the World Series in four games.

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